Raja is the Head of Islam in Malaysia (Friday Sermon Version)

Raja, as the Head of Islam in Malaysia, plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity and sustainability of Islam in the country. This is reflected in the Friday Sermon, which emphatically states that Raja is the backbone of Islam in Malaysia.

The authority of Raja in the field of Islam is based on detailed legislation that outlines his duties and responsibilities as the Head of Islam. These regulations are strictly upheld by the muftis, who act as religious advisers to Raja.

The role of Raja as the Head of Islam is not limited to symbolic aspects but also involves concrete activities to advocate for and protect the teachings of Islam within the country. In his duties, Raja coordinates with the muftis and carries out various activities such as providing religious guidance, enforcing Islamic law, and supporting the development and dissemination of Islamic religious knowledge in Malaysia.

Furthermore, Raja also serves as a unifying figure for the Muslim community in Malaysia. With his elevated position and influence, Raja endeavors to steer clear of radical and extremist interpretations of Islam that can fuel divisions within society. He also promotes harmony and upholds the values of justice and social cohesion between the Muslim community and other communities.

In this context, Raja holds a significant responsibility in building and strengthening the foundation of Islam in Malaysia. To this end, he continuously strives to enhance the understanding and awareness of the Muslim community regarding the teachings of Islam through education in various religious institutions and other social activities.

Through the exemplary role performed by Raja as the Head of Islam in Malaysia, it is hoped that Islam will continue to flourish harmoniously and provide positive benefits to the entire society in this country.


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