The Twin Princess of Kak Nia.

Today is a day filled with miracles and joy for our family! We have received delightful news from Kak Nia, she has given birth to twin baby girls. Alhamdulillah, it is truly an amazing blessing!

It has been quite some time since our trip to the Malaysian Peninsula, and that was when Kak Nia was pregnant for the first time. We all admire her resilience and courage to embark on a long journey in such a condition. And now, when I am far away, suddenly there is another surprise awaiting.

As it turns out, in this second pregnancy, Kak Nia was blessed with an extraordinary surprise. She gave birth to twin baby girls! Who could believe it? I truly didn't expect that I would miss this moment with them. But it is remarkable how life teases us with unexpected adventures.

We all pray for Kak Nia's good health and strength to care for her newborn Twin Princesses. May they grow into resilient, intelligent individuals who symbolize happiness for this family.

Today reminds me of how precious family is to us. No matter how far apart we are, our hearts are always tightly woven in love and togetherness. Even though I cannot be physically present here, my best prayers always accompany their every step.

Let us feel the joy together, welcoming the arrival of Kak Nia's twin daughters with laughter and happiness. This story will constantly remind us of the miracles of life, the strength of family, and the unexpected blessings we can receive.

Welcome to the world, twin Princesses of Kak Nia! May your lives be filled with joy and sweet memories with our family. Become a place of infinite joy and happiness. This story will always be a part of our beautiful journey of life. Aamiin Ya Rabb


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