Happy Graduation Teammates!
- Congratulating Tiyas Nirmalasari, S.Ip and Shonia Rizqi Dinitasari, S.Akt on their graduation. They have graduated earlier before the scheduled graduation abroad on September 30, 2024.
- Feeling excited and nervous, hoping to also receive the news of their own graduation soon.
- Receiving the good news of starting a new job today, although still on leave tomorrow.
- Feeling grateful as they believe that Allah SWT is the Sovereign Provider of sustenance.
Today is a day filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, there is a sense of joy and pride for the graduation of their friends. On the other hand, there is also a feeling of nervous anticipation waiting for news about their own graduation. However, by surrendering to Allah SWT, they remain optimistic and believe that everything will unfold according to His will. They are grateful for the opportunity to start a new job today, even though they are still on leave.
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