In Solitude

Today, the atmosphere in the factory feels so quiet. Ever since I checked the electrical currents, this place has become very empty. Imagine, the warehouse that has been standing since 1993, I only started to dismantle it today. I'm busy sorting through and reviewing items that can be reused or recycled.

After ensuring the safety of the electrical aspects, I hope the machines are still in good condition. The presence of three workers today, namely Mr. Japri, Irfan, and myself, must work hard to achieve the target as soon as possible. In a maximum of two weeks, hopefully, this goal can be realized with Allah's permission.

However, earlier, I was truly surprised when I heard cries of pain. I thought it was the sound of pain from my coworker, Irfan, who was working. The cries of pain sounded like a machine getting stuck or someone getting injured. Without hesitation, I immediately rushed to the sound and checked on Irfan.

But when I arrived at the scene, nothing was happening. There were no signs of pain or accidents. This is what surprised me and made me rethink. Astagfirullah al azim, it feels like there is interference from beings in this area. Perhaps I have uncovered a place that was rarely touched by previous workers.

I do not feel afraid, but this makes me reflect. Is my recitation of the Quran lacking, so these spirits dare to disturb? The greatness of Allah is truly immense, and we must always remember Him. Hopefully, I can protect myself, and whatever happens, I will continue to strive for His pleasure. Allahu Akbar.


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