Aiman is number 1 in Tabika Kemas Merotai.

Today is a blessed day.

Aiman has achieved great success as number 1 in Tabika Kemas Merotai. This is very proud news, and I am grateful and thankful for this achievement.

I also received pleasant news from Kak Nia about my nephew, Aiman. With Kak Nia as his educator, it is not surprising that Aiman is focused on learning and enjoys it. This is a great first step towards a bright future.

Furthermore, Kak Nia is also pregnant with twins. May all her affairs be made easy and may she always be in good health. Ameen.

Suddenly, nostalgia sweeps over my heart. Tawau always holds a special place in my memory, and I hope to be able to return there one day.

Thank you for the good news today. May our day be filled with happiness and blessings as well.


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