Alhamdulillah, finally our event was successfully completed which started on the 23rd to 24th of September 2023, where we began our adventure in organizing the UTC2023 event held in Bentong, Pahang. Our enthusiasm and spirit were so high, although we were aware that our agenda as the committee was very busy and required a wide range of responsibilities. However, with deep gratitude, Alhamdulillah we managed to successfully complete it.
However, sometimes words are not enough to fully describe the beauty of the journey and experience that we have gone through. This event has shown us that each individual in our team has their own unique strengths and abilities. There are several people who will never be forgotten and will always be remembered as the best team of 2023. They played an important role in achieving this success.
Sir Taufiq Hasyim Salengke, whom we call "The Best", was truly unmatched. His expertise and dedication were extraordinary, and an inspiration to all of us. Then, there was Denia Ratri Banuwati, who besides being smart and decisive in making decisions, was also able to provide exceptional guidance to us. Her presence had a significant impact on the team's success.
Dodi Ismuhar, a person who is pious and humble, has given us deep spiritual insight. His presence reminded us of the importance of maintaining balance between material and spiritual aspects. Umi Ulfaturrohmah, with her cheerful and calm character, was able to create a pleasant and conducive atmosphere for teamwork. Her presence was very meaningful in the need to maintain emotional and energy balance.
Also not forgetting the unique personality of Saparuddin Sanusi, whom we know as Mr. Pungky. His clever and creative attitude helped us to overcome various difficult situations (Puji diri sendiri, sorry). Lastiur Sihaloho, who was responsible and kind-hearted, became a role model in carrying out tasks with full responsibility and kindness.
Dini Ayu Merlina, with her gentle and graceful character, has brought peace and beauty to team communication and interactions. Zayn Ridho, an individual who is smart and energetic, has directed us in responding to challenges with intelligent thinking and high spirits.
Wari Egawati, a person who is meticulous and visionary, has taken us far ahead and faced every detail with precision. Shonia Dinitasari, who has charisma in her leadership, has been able to motivate us and create a strong togetherness within the team.
The presence of Eka Apriana, who has an open-minded view, has helped us see a broader perspective and enrich our ideas. Devi Novalina Sitinjak, a wise and clever person, has assisted us in making the right decisions and solving every problem with remarkable intelligence.
Miranda Yulita, with her kind-hearted and helpful nature, has provided warmth and assistance to team members who need it. Vira Azwar, with her strong abilities, frankness, and ability to blend in, has helped us overcome obstacles and maintain high spirits in facing every challenge.
Kak Reni Bistolen, with her kind and diligent nature, has shown extraordinary dedication in carrying out her tasks and became an example for all of us. Setyorini, a person who is responsible and attentive, has given more attention to details and team needs that might be overlooked.
Niken Selia Agustin, with her extraordinary totality, has given everything in carrying out her tasks perfectly. Noviyanti Ainun Hanifah, with her agile and energetic personality like chili peppers, always provides encouragement and energy in teamwork.
Equally important, Tiyas Nirmala, who is experienced and thorough, has given invaluable instincts and knowledge for the smoothness of every task and project we faced. And of course, Eka Pertiwi Hutabarat, who left a strong impression with the words "Sat set sat set siap". Her presence gives motivation and willingness to keep moving forward and complete every task wholeheartedly.
The theme raised in this event, "Gathering, Strengthening and Celebrating together", was truly realized well. We all unite and support each other, facing every challenge with full enthusiasm and cheerfulness. This isn't just a regular event, but has become a moment that we will never forget in our lives.
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