Blessings from Allah

Today, I am once again reminded of the generosity of the Creator, Allah SWT. Whenever I doubt the abundance of His sustenance, His words "Kun fayakun" (Be, and it is) always strengthen my heart. How Great is the Lord who always provides what is best for His servants.

On the way to work earlier, I had the chance to chat with my neighbor. We talked for almost half an hour, and I realized how fortunate I am to enjoy such moments of camaraderie. Indeed, there are still many blessings to be grateful for in this life.

Life's trials and challenges will never cease, but I believe that as long as I hold firmly to the Almighty, everything will feel easier. I will continue to strive while entrusting all matters to Him.

Thank you, Ya Allah, for everything You have given. May I always be granted the strength to continue being grateful and faithful to You.


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