Nasir, the Successor!

My brother Nasir is truly remarkable. Despite his young age, he has already overcome many daunting challenges in his life. When our beloved mother passed away, Nasir was forced to struggle on his own to survive. From Kajang to eventually moving to Makassar, he has continued to forge ahead with remarkable determination.

Initially, Nasir chose to pursue his studies in the Department of Arabic Literature at UIN Alauddin. However, the following year, he decided to take the POSK test at Hasanuddin University and successfully gained admission to the English Literature program. I know full well that he must have fought hard to be able to attend university while also working to support himself.

Seeing all that Nasir has endured, I am filled with admiration for his resilience and strength. He is stronger than I am, far more resilient in facing life's challenges. Nasir is our successor, a brother whom I am truly proud of.

I hope that Nasir will continue to fight, to achieve his own success. May God always protect him and provide ease in every step of his journey. My remarkable brother, Nasir, you are the successor of our family.


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