"Correct the Faith of GISBH Followers"

Here is a summary of the wisdom from the Friday sermon titled "Correct the Faith of GISBH Followers" delivered on October 4, 2024.

Correct faith is the fundamental foundation in a Muslim's life. Allah SWT states in Surah Ali-Imran, verse 102, reminding us to fear Him as He should be feared and to not die except in the state of being a Muslim. A correct faith ensures that we do not deviate from the straight path and continuously adhere to the way prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Hence, this sermon urges us to be cautious in evaluating and accepting teachings, holding firm only to the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah creed.

Additionally, the sermon addresses the dangers of deviant ideologies, as associated with Al-Arqam and GISBH. Although GISBH operates as a business and social entity, some of its teachings are still influenced by the heresies once propagated by Al-Arqam. This includes the veneration of leaders and the belief in the resurrection of a leader who has passed away, which is contrary to Islamic teachings. Allah’s words in Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse 100, emphasize that the souls of the deceased do not return to the world.

Islam also forbids any form of fanaticism toward humans, including leaders. Obedience to leaders in Islam is only permitted as long as it does not contravene Islamic law. Surah An-Nisa', verse 59, commands that obedience to Allah, His Messenger, and leaders who follow Islamic teachings is obligatory. However, excessive veneration or fanaticism toward leaders, as seen in GISBH, is a form of deviation that can lead to disbelief.

Polygamy is also discussed in this sermon, where the practice within GISBH is seen as straying from Islamic jurisprudence. Although polygamy is permissible in Islam, it must be carried out justly and in accordance with Sharia. If practiced without proper consideration, polygamy can bring harm to women. Surah An-Nisa', verse 3, provides guidance for Muslims to act justly when engaging in polygamy.

Lastly, the sermon advises us to consistently adhere to the teachings of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah in matters of creed, law, and ethics. Allah’s words in Surah Al-Taubah, verse 31, remind us not to associate anything with Allah. Therefore, as Muslims who love our religion, we must avoid all deviant teachings and always refer to religious authorities when assessing any doctrine.


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