Summary of the Friday Sermon: "The Danger of the Atheist Threat"

All praise is due to Allah SWT, who has granted us the blessings of faith and Islam, as well as the opportunity to gather in this blessed assembly. Let us send prayers and salutations to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his companions. May we be among those who receive his intercession on the Day of Judgment, Ameen.

On this occasion, let us reflect upon a matter of utmost importance that touches the core of our faith: the dangers and threats posed by atheistic beliefs. This ideology rejects the existence of Allah SWT and regards life as confined solely to this world, with no concept of an afterlife or the unseen. They believe that life and death are merely cycles with no Creator governing them. Allah SWT states in Surah al-Jaathiyah, verse 24, “And they say: There is nothing but our life in this world; we die and we live and nothing destroys us except time.” They merely follow assumptions, not sound knowledge.

This belief arises from a failure to recognize Allah SWT as the Creator. Though they may have some knowledge of religion, they refuse to deepen it and instead conclude that Allah SWT and the unseen do not exist. Allah SWT clarifies in Surah al-An’am, verse 33, that these people are not merely rejecting the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW but, in their stubbornness, are also denying the signs of Allah.

Another reason for the emergence of atheism is a misunderstanding of the concept of evil in the world. They question, if Allah is truly Just, why does suffering and oppression exist? They blame Allah for all the world’s ills, whereas much of this evil is the result of human actions. Indeed, this is a trick of Syaitan to create doubt in us regarding the justice and existence of Allah SWT.

Scholars and intellectuals have long attempted to address this ideology through teaching, writing, and open debate. However, a lack of understanding of the two testimonies of faith and insufficient knowledge of the faith has allowed atheism to continue to grow. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by taking it away from the people, but by taking away the scholars…” (Hadits al-Bukhari). It becomes our responsibility to continue seeking knowledge so that we do not go astray.

Another serious threat is the spread of atheistic beliefs through closed circles on social media. It often targets the younger generation, who are in the process of finding their identity. Thus, it is the duty of each of us to protect the faith of the Muslim community and ensure that our generation does not fall into these misleading beliefs. Allah SWT commands in Surah al-Nisa, verse 83, that we should refer doubtful matters to those in authority, thus safeguarding the faith of the community.

For this reason, let us strengthen our faith, continuously learn about Islam, and avoid misleading ideologies. Allah SWT questioned the descendants of Prophet Adam in Surah al-A’raf, verse 172, “Am I not your God?” To which we all replied, “Yes, indeed, we bear witness.” Let us remember that covenant and be certain that life in this world is temporary, while Allah SWT is the Supreme Creator.

May Allah SWT protect us and grant us the strength to remain steadfast in our faith and in Islam.


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