A Wedding in Soppeng

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the wedding of Haida’s close friend in Soppeng. Early in the morning, we departed from Makassar, and fortunately, we arrived on time as the ceremony commenced immediately upon our arrival.

Throughout the journey, I had the opportunity to observe the remarkable economic growth in South Sulawesi. Numerous newly constructed buildings, thriving small businesses, and vibrant economic activities were evident along the way. However, the journey to Soppeng posed significant challenges, truly testing our resolve. The roads we traversed were largely constructed through community initiatives—steep, rugged, and filled with sharp turns.

At one point, I briefly thought we might have lost our way. However, upon reaching the venue, I was astonished by the overwhelming number of attendees. The enthusiasm of the local community was truly inspiring.

The highlight of the event, for me, was the wedding sermon. The wisdom and guidance imparted were deeply moving, serving as a poignant reminder of the sacred nature of marriage, which is rooted in blessings and responsibility.

This event was not merely a wedding celebration but also a journey filled with profound experiences and valuable lessons. I am grateful to have been part of such a significant moment.


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